Consistent Business Travelers? 5 Things to Know!

Consistent Business Travelers? 5 Things to Know!It’s not uncommon for consistent business travelers to become road-weary. Spending hours on an airplane, sleeping in a strange hotel room, windowless meeting/office spaces, and cookie-cutter dining choices can get old pretty fast. However, there are ways to reinvigorate your travel experience with the help of a few business travel planning tips.

1. Think Positive

Instead of dwelling on all the things you’re missing out on when you’re on the road, consider the opportunity, switching from ‘I have to’, to ‘I get to.’

2. Stay Hydrated En-Route

Business travel agents know few properly hydrate during travel, especially those that travel by air. A plane’s lower cabin humidity can worsen this issue, resulting in dehydration-related fatigue, headaches, and more.

3. Eat Outside the Box

Seek out vibrant local food over boring, cookie-cutter chain restaurant fare. There is an array of choices here, from inexpensive yet delicious food truck finds, mid-range local dining favorites, and pricier gourmet options for the gastronomer.

4. Up the Ante

Next time you check into a hotel room, tip the desk clerk and ask if there are any upgrades based on capacity. It’s a gamble that won’t work every time, but it could net you a large (room) reward, especially if you’re a frequent traveler with a given line of hotels.

5. Make New Friends

Each time you arrive at a new hotel, get to know management and staff by name. This approach not only makes you feel less isolated, but it’s also another great way to receive potential perks.

6. Mix Business & Pleasure

Leave your hotel room in off-hours, taking in local sights. Check out free area parks, visit a local history or art museum, or simply indulge in being a tourist for a change if you’re visiting a famous city. Leading a balanced life while home or away is key to mental and physical health.

7. Stay Connected

Stay connected when you’re rushing from city to city, sending frequent messages and scheduling regular phone or video calls. Next time, before you leave, hide a few notes in strategic places so your partner and kids know they are not forgotten, and you appreciate their patience with your repeated absences.

8. Don’t Neglect a Healthy Diet & Exercise

The business travel blues often fall at the feet of neglected physical activity and a poor diet. Most hotels have a gym and a pool for you to enjoy. At the very list, toss on your tennis shoes and go for a walk.

9. Cash-In on Your Time Away

All the time you spend away can be easier for your family to contend with when they know you are working toward translating your frequent flyer miles or hotel points into a fun vacation activity. This ‘team effort’ to finding cost saving travel solutions can help bring you together in many ways.

Looking for a better business travel experience? Reinvent life on the road with the help of the business travel management services of GTI Travel today.