Customer Satisfaction

Welcome to your Customer Satisfaction

Name Business Email Phone Number

Was the Travel Agent responsive to your requests?

On a scale of 1-10 , 10 being the highest.

Was it simple to contact GTI Travel?

On a scale of 1-10 , 10 being the highest.

How would you rate the service you received from GTI Travel?

On a scale of 1-10 , 10 being the highest.

Was your reservation accurate?

On a scale of 1-10 , 10 being the highest.

Customer Service prior to trip?

We strive for complete customer satisfaction. Can you tell us why you gave us this rating?

Would you recommend us to others?

In what areas can we improve?

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results!

Travel Assessment 01

Welcome to the Travel Assessment. Please complete the questionnaire.


Allowing travelers to book off site, through apps on their phone or the internet has been very controversial over the past several years due to security concerns and safety. A company without a clear travel program that their employees must use leaves themselves open to many potential issues and problems.

What percentage of your business travel are you booking through a travel agency?


Having a standardized and consistent policy is just one of the benefits of centralizing travel services. Other benefits are back office efficiency, securing preferred partnerships and rates with vendors, security and safety, shared best practices and economic gains overall.

Does your business have a centralized travel management program?


Travel policies are the back bone of all travel management programs. Managing travel for an entire company -- such as specifying preferred hotels to stay in, requiring everyone to fly coach, and setting a per diem for meals and other expenses -- can be essential to the bottom line.

Does your company or business use a managed travel policy?


The Travel industry constantly changes. There are new services, partners and cost savings opportunities.  Travel policies should be analyzed by a professional travel agency account manager and changed when its in the companies best interest to do so.

When was the last time your travel policy had a major review?


Online booking tools are very popular. It gives one the flexibility and control that they need to book trips based on their schedule. By mandating an on line booking tool for a high percentage of bookings a company can reduce costs associated to the administrative work required to facilitate that booking.  You must also accept that a 100% adoption rate is never achievable since its advisable to go directly to the agency for complicated or international trips.

Do you have a sanctioned online booking tool that takes your travel policy into account for travel bookings?


Having contracted hotel rates for properties can have many added benefits. Especially if that city has a limited number of hotel room nights and tends to sell out frequently. If you have a contract with that property or that hotel chain some of the benefits are that the property will work with you to accommodate VIP's, deal with issues and special requests such as meeting rooms and accommodations during high season.

Do you mandate that travelers stay at hotel properties in which you have contracted rates?


On a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest.
Traveler satisfaction is one of the most important factor of any travel management program.

What is your personal level of satisfaction with your current travel agency?

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results!

Name Business Email Phone Number

Traveler FeedBack

Welcome to the Traveler Feedback form.
Please use the comment fields to elaborate on your answers.


With regards to GTI Travel

How did you contact GTI Travel? Did you have any difficulties? (Please explain.)


With regards to the Travel Agent who helped you.

Was the reservation accurate? If not what issues were there?


Did you use our Online Self Booking tool to book your reservation and if so, did you have any issues with it?


On a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest.

Traveler satisfaction is the most important customer satisfaction indicator for us.
What is your overall level of satisfaction with GTI Travel?


Would you recommend GTI Travel to others?


On a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest.

How was your experience with the Airline you were booked on?
Please give us the Travel Date, Airline, Flight Number, Record Locator or any flight information you can in the event we need to look up your reservation.


On a scale of 1 to 10. 10 being the highest and 1 the lowest.

How was your experience with your hotel stay?


Was your Hotel Reservation Booked to your satisfaction? If not what issues did you experience?


Was your car rental to your satisfaction?


Would you like to be contacted about any issues we can help resolve?

If you answer YES, please give us as many details as possible below.
Our objective is to address your issue and resolve it to your satisfaction.

Please enter the code above to prove you are human.
(If you do not see a code then your browser is out of date. Update to a newer browser.)
(IE 11, Chrome or FireFox)


Can you give us a testimonial to be used on our website?.

We would truly appreciate a testimonial about our services from you.
If you can write one we would be very happy to add it to our web site.

Please be sure to submit the page so we can address any issues you have.
You can contact us at 800-223-3863 and we would be happy to discuss your issues with you.

GTI Travel Inc.

Name Business Email Phone Number