Travel Risk Management – What Companies need to Know!
Travel risk management is a proactive, comprehensive approach to protecting your employees and company from travel risks. It’s not just about how effectively your organization responds to a crisis, but how well you can actually prevent a crisis from happening. In today’s ever-changing world, more and more businesses are making corporate traveler safety and security a top priority, and corporate travel management is just one piece of the puzzle in making travel safer, lower-stress and more cost effective.
Traveler Insecurity
Many people who frequently travel for business experience anxiety because of terrorist attacks and natural disasters, but it much is more likely that they will run into snags such as a robbery or car accident when traveling. Corporate travel consultants who are available 24/7 can help ease business travelers’ fears and help them solve these kinds of problems regardless of which time zone they’re in.
Planning ahead
Another way to mitigate the impact of risks associated with corporate travel is to have policies, plans and processes in place. Travel and expense management solutions that provide tools, services and solutions to business travelers before a trip are not only vital to mitigating travel risk; they can also lessen the financial impact when problems do arise.
When it comes to corporate travel risk management, the importance of being prepared cannot be overstated. A corporate travel management company will help your business develop and enforce a comprehensive travel risk management plan that includes guidelines for safe travel practices.
One of the biggest obstacles companies face is their employees’ lack of knowledge about their company’s current procedures. Well-defined guidelines help travelers gain an understanding of their responsibilities and procedures they are required to follow in case of an emergency.
Information about travel warnings, assistance with visas & passports, and plans for making travel changes in case of disaster gives employees a sense of security and peace of mind, which leads to increased productivity while they’re traveling for business. If your company is on the small side, travel management for small business is an invaluable tool that can help you streamline travel services.
Real-Time Information & Global Connections
For many organizations, it can be difficult to rapidly an d accurately determine if their travelers are impacted by unexpected events. Many companies rely on information from news sites or social media for risk alerts, but these sources are often unreliable and inaccurate.
Corporate travel management companies have access to tools and technology that monitor real-time global happenings such as weather events, terrorism, political or health crises, which allows them to inform travelers who may be impacted right away.
Immediate Assistance
If something does happen, the response should be coordinated, seamless and immediate. A business traveler may need medical treatment, security, evacuation services, new accommodations or last-minute transportation, and working with a global travel service company significantly reduces the time it takes to identify and help travelers who need assistance.
Careful planning and coordination within your organization is a must when developing a travel risk management plan. Working with an experienced corporate travel management company that provides these services can make it much easier to effectively respond to and resolve any scenario that may arise.